Kon’nichiwa! Japan!

Written by David Jones

Aug 8, 2023

August 8, 2023

This is always a busy time for us at At the Limits, as next year’s meetings are planned and we begin to construct the programmes for multiple events across the globe.

This year is no exception. Not only are we working on continuing events in cardiology, diabetes, nephrology, MS, and Oncology but we are also ready to unveil a host of new meetings for 2024.

Before I tell you about those, a quick heads-up for our Haematology subscribers in Scotland. On October 4th the inaugural Frontiers of Oncology: Haematology Scotland will be held at the Glasgow Hilton. It’s a great opportunity to engage with fellow Haematologists from across Scotland and learn more about solutions to the challenges which are affecting the NHS Haem teams. It’s free to attend, and you can see the full programme/register here.

CDN across the globe

Anyway, back to the new events and Kon’nichiwa to our colleagues in Japan as the first will take place in Tokyo on 25th May next year. Cardiology, Diabetes & Nephrology at the Limits Japan continues the series of meetings which, for 25 years, have set new standards in education across these three closely related disease areas. A combination of international speakers alongside highly regarded Japan presenters will gather at Juntendo University to share in the lively debate and discussion which have become hallmarks of these events. See the bottom of this post for details of how to register to attend.


In addition to the new Japan event, CDN Brazil will be held in São Paulo towards the end of July. Our local chair, Professor Andre Sposito will be building on the success of the previous live meetings, and of his monthly ‘Open Dialogue’ podcast series with a programme of presentations which directly address the challenges and concerns of South American clinicians.


Closer to home, we’ll be celebrating the 25th anniversary of CDN London. Professor Derek Yellon is bringing together one of the most notable faculties of internationally renowned speakers that will gather anywhere on the globe in 2024. Including Professor Eugene Braunwald the event is sure to be fully subscribed, so apply now for your place. See the foot of this post for details of how to indicate your interest in attending.


New UK meetings

But I said we’d been busy, and there are other new events taking place in 2024 in the UK and that includes the inaugural Breast Cancer at the Limits meeting which will take place in London during May. We have run multiple events in various oncology sub-specialities over the past few years and it’s a pleasure to be able to run this meeting for the first time. The programme is being developed as I type, and we’ll be launching it in the next few weeks. Again, we expect this event to be fully subscribed so indicate your interest in attending by following the link at the foot of the page and we’ll let you know as soon as registrations are fully open.


Finally, one of the biggest challenges facing health organisations across the globe is that of obesity. As we all know, rates are reaching record highs and the associated impact on healthcare budgets caused by obesity is hitting record levels. It’s hard to avoid news stories about the new GLP-1 drugs which have been approved or are in the process of being approved to fight obesity, but the real challenge is to build a comprehensive care system which addresses every aspect of the disease. We have asked leading professors in the UK who are at the forefront of research into the field to create a new event to take place in 2024 bringing together scientists, researchers, clinicians, government and policy makers for a two-day conference addressing these issues. Working in conjunction with our friends and colleagues at The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, and The Lancet, this meeting is slated to become one of the most highly regarded of 2024. We’ll let you know when full details are available, but we’re very excited about the opportunity for contributing to real progress in this area.


Don’t forget…

Finally, I’ve talked about our new 2024 meetings but don’t forget the MS at the Limits, MS Nurses, Frontiers of Oncology, the Malvern Diabetic Foot conference and the Hatter Horizon Diabetes meetings for GP’s and specialists will also be taking place throughout the year. It should be an exceptionally busy period, and we’re very much looking forward to keeping you informed as new events take shape.


To register for any of our meetings please visit www.atthelimits.org/events.

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